Here you find 3 beyond happy dogs to be out exploring. Trees planted in rows as a restoration project. From what I've researched Triple Creek was an old cattle dairy farm and did a restoration project on parts of it. Here I am with the Dog a few miles in. Just a beautiful park. My friend Stacy with her two dogs who has actually gotten me out and doing this. Another image of beautiful trees We ran across this cool guy. I had never seen one in our area and looked it up. From Wikipedia: The eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) is a medium-sizedspecies of lizard found along forest edges, rock piles, and rotting logs or stumps in the eastern United States. It is sometimes referred to as the prairie lizard, fence swift, gray lizard, northern fence lizard or pine lizard.[3] It is also referred to colloquially as the horn-billed lizard. Here we all are tired at about the 10 mile point and stopped for a break. Dog cooling and wash station before heading to the car. The red lines are were we actually went. The yellow lines are what is published as the trails in Triple Creek Preserve and Balm Boyette. We went just a little off course!
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